High vibrations-what items will bring energetic benefits to your home
Our home, garden or apartment say a lot about ourselves. It is at home that we rest, regenerate, gain strength, plan for the future, and increasingly also work (the world situation has forced us to do so, as it were).
Often, however, coming home from court, we feel immediately more tired, weary or discouraged. We have the feeling of such an "energetic" bump. And we're not talking about various entities or stray souls that can make quite a mess for us (in such a situation, consult a priest, lay exorcist or experienced medium who has insight into what kind of soul has strayed, what it needs, etc., the medium has the power to guide souls to the light/Heaven/Center of the Universe, etc.). We don't need to feel the energy drops at all, after coming home. Let's try lighting incense sticks (e.g. rose, palo santo-scented, floral) or use proven cleansing herbs, whose smoke cleanses negative energies beautifully. Let's clean our apartments regularly.
Let's pay especially close attention to cleansing when we are after a serious infection, when a divorce hearing is pending, when we feel lonely or are under permanent stress.All these factors create low vibrations. Unfortunately, low vibrations can harm our physical body, our well-being, our subtle bodies, other household members and pets living with us.Remember to choose high quality incense sticks, preferably made with 100 percent natural/organic ingredients. It's nice if the incense is certified organic or has been checked by popular certification bodies. It's important to check this, as we are unlikely to want to inhale chemicals that can exacerbate our allergies or bronchial asthma. Incense sticks are also used in white and black magic rituals. They surround us with subtle and gentle energy that helps bring us closer to a specific goal.
When cleansing auras or rooms, a special cleansing incense/olibanum or one based on white sage (white sage) will work nicely. Rose incense will bring us closer to the desired love. Its beautiful and delicate fragrance helps to harmonize and balance our heart chakra. You can find cool quality incense/herbs for room incense/bowls and containers for storing incense in popular esoteric stores.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
High vibrations-what items will bring energetic benefits to your home
Love-is it worth taking the first step
Love-is it worth taking the first step
This topic is probably one of the most common in all discussions on Internet forums. The question is asked by both women and men. Everyone needs to love and be loved, but falling in love is much easier than expressing your feelings. This article, however, is not a hookup guide, but aims to answer the question of whether it is worth it to be the first to talk back to a person we like.
Unfortunately, but nature is inexorable. The fact that you like someone does not necessarily mean that you also like that person. Because of this, we are gripped by fear, both of rejection and ridicule - we are afraid that someone will laugh at our affection or despise it. Therefore, in order not to expose ourselves to ridicule, we should make sure that we have a chance to reciprocate the feeling. If you have mutual friends, you can gently ask them whether the object of your interest says anything about you at all, and if so, whether he or she speaks in a positive way. In a situation where you can't find out anything about it, pay attention to the signs the object of your sigh gives you. Does he smile at you, how does he look at you. Try to activate your intuition, watch the movements, sometimes someone can betray himself with a simple gesture, such as touching his hair with his hand while looking at you.
If you see each other regularly, and you can determine with a high degree of probability that you also like the other person, then it is no longer worth giving in to your shyness and definitely try to develop your acquaintance. It is likely that this person is also shy and would prefer you to be the one to take the first step. There is a good chance that you will form a close-knit couple, but first, of course, one of you has to act so that you become aware of your mutual affection.
However, if the object of interest gives no signs, treats you like air, there is no point in trying hard to get your attention. You are likely to be rejected/rejected, which will definitely have a negative impact on your well-being. Such situations stay in your memory for a long time, you will feel less attractive, which will make it more difficult for you to look for a partner. Love cannot be forced, it is not logical and does not result from a rational choice, but is an impulse, an inexplicable surge of feeling. So if someone is not interested in us, then convincing and imposing on him will not change anything. Therefore, any advice such as "take the first step - you can gain something and lose nothing", in my opinion, is pointless, because you can lose a lot, for example, high self-esteem or self-confidence.
Troublesome, on the other hand, is the situation when we don't know someone at all, and we like him. We should take into account the difference between the behavior of women and men. If a female representative likes a man, her task is to give him the right signals, so that he will know that she likes him and will have a chance to make the first move or subtly ignore the signals if he is not interested. This will make sure that in the case of unrequited feelings, no one will be hurt and humiliated. However, keep in mind that signals sent by women must be really clear, as men do not have as developed intuition as women.
Women usually do not make the first move, in our cultural circle it is accepted that this task belongs to men. They then prove that they are confident, open and courageous. If a man is not able to overcome his shyness, it will be difficult for him to win a woman. Nevertheless, it is possible - love is an unstoppable force, and more and more often it happens that culture - culture, and life - life, and it is the ladies who take the initiative.
Finally, I wish everyone courage in interpersonal contacts, because it will certainly make someone special appear on our way.
Voodoo love rituals reviews
Voodoo, also spelled as Vodou or Vodun, is a diverse and complex spiritual tradition that originated in West Africa and was later syncretiz...

Love, a force that binds and transcends, has been an eternal muse for seekers of magic and mysticism. In the realm of love spells, the combi...
Love spells, a subset of magic, are rituals and incantations aimed at influencing the feelings, desires, and affections of individuals in m...
Love magic, with its mystical allure and potent energy, has captivated practitioners throughout history, offering a myriad of practices an...