Why have people been spinning visions of the end of the world for centuries, setting a date for it? In this way, we tame our fears because we can feel safe until then. However, the most common reason is simply manipulation by a particular group. The first panic associated with the announcement of the end of the world occurred as early as 999. In those days, a legend was believed according to which Leviathan, the most terrible biblical monster, who had been subjugated by Pope Sylvester II and imprisoned in a dungeon, was just about to awaken on the night of 999/1000. When the new year arrived and nothing happened, a lavish celebration ensued.
Unfortunately, digging deeper into the subject, we can see that this was an unholy ruse organised by the clergy. As we know, in those days, access to knowledge was very narrow, basically unattainable for average people. Only the clergy was a privileged group, dedicated to exploring the wisdom contained in books. This allowed the Church to gain increasing influence. Yet this was too little for the institution and a legend was invented with which to get rich in a short while. The fable of the end of the world seemed ideal. The only chance of salvation was to... give all one's possessions to the Church. Of course, most people dreaming of eternal life were very quick to do so. However, when the end of the world did not come, the Church did not give away the goods prescribed by the people. Therefore, the celebration for the absence of the end of the world did not last long. People deprived of their livelihoods began to starve to death and commit suicide in large numbers. Meanwhile, the clergy were wallowing in increasing affluence....
The year 1666 was another very well-known date for the end of the world, and was greatly feared because of the three sixes that were supposed to herald the end. It was also feared because Nostradamus had predicted a fire for that year, which actually happened in London, destroying more than half the city.
The destruction of our civilisation was also to occur on 19 October 1814. Prophecies were often made by people with psychic problems wanting to interest those around them. Joan Southcott created a prophetic movement, and by making her prophecies she gathered several thousand people believing that she would give birth to a new messiah, and with this the world would end. In the process, she amassed a huge fortune by selling protective seals to her faithful. Of course, the end did not come, and the woman died a few months later. However, her cult survived for several more decades.
The next date described will already be well known to us. It is the year 2000, and anyone over the age of 20 will no doubt remember well how we were frightened that computers would cease to function and communication chaos would ensue. In addition to this theory, there were many others. There was no shortage of preachers saying that there was a code in the Bible which said that World War III would begin in the year 2000, and that a few years later a nuclear war would begin which would completely destroy humanity. As it turned out, neither the theory about computer failures nor the one about the Third War came true.
21.12.2012 - almost everything has been said about this day. Some believed so strongly that they had already made preparations for the catastrophe. How did it start? Patrick Geryl, author of many books on the polarization of the Earth, believed that on this day there would be violent eruptions on the sun causing the release of huge amounts of electromagnetic energy. This was to lead to the polarisation of our planet, so that the North Pole would become the South Pole and vice versa. As this astrophysicist said, this was to happen within hours. Tragic consequences for the Earth were predicted, here are some of them:
- toxic clouds will kill most people
-explosion of all volcanoes
-tornadoes, hurricanes, storms blowing at speeds of up to 400 km per hour
-earthquakes of unprecedented magnitude
-tsunami waves several kilometres high
Only those with unsinkable boats, and those fleeing to mountainous regions far from volcanoes, preferably in Spain or Peru, were to be rescued. As Geryl advised, it was best to flee in pairs so that a new civilisation could be established after the cataclysm.
Of course, 21.02.2012 came and nothing much happened either. Patrick Geryl is no longer speaking, or just relaxing somewhere nice, as the 'end of the world' has allowed him to make quite a substantial amount of money.
The dates of the 'most important' ends of the world have been listed above. And how do the most popular religions relate to these matters?
In the Torah, we do not find much information on this subject. Judaism deals primarily with the history of the chosen people. However, there are some interesting passages on this event.
The Book of Amos tells us not to expect the end of the world: "What is the day of the Lord to you? He is darkness and not light" (Am 5:18). Once this end of the world has come, the Messiah will have to fight a battle against the army of Gog and Magog. The leader of this army will be brought to Mount Sinai and judged and executed. The earth will be cleansed of all evil and the building of a 'pure and holy' house for the Lord and his subjects will take place (Ez 38 and 39).
In Christianity, the end of the world is associated with the second coming of Jesus to Earth. This event will lead to the annihilation of the wicked, but will also save righteous people, who will receive salvation and eternal happiness. In relation to the wicked, the Bible says that Jesus Christ will come on the "day of judgment" "in order that all may be judged who have not believed the truth but have found pleasure in unrighteousness", who "are to perish because they have not accepted the love of the truth, which was able to save them".
Before this happens, there will be conflicts between countries, epidemics, famines, earthquakes, and persecution of Christians. The day is expected to come unexpectedly.
According to Muslims, the Antichrist will come to earth, whom only those who sincerely believe will recognise. Then food and water supplies will be destroyed. Only God's chosen ones will not be struck by lightning. Everyone will be able to count on a just judgement.
"So whoever believes and does good, no fear will overtake him, nor will he be grieved. And those who have regarded Our signs as falsehood will be afflicted with the punishment of having spread corruption."
So, as we can see, the theme of the end of the world has fascinated people since the dawn of time and has often been used by religious representatives to achieve their material goals. One thing is certain, repeating after the most powerful heads of the world of physics: the end of the world as we know it must happen one day, but billions of years separate us from it, and the exact dates given by all sorts of "experts" should be taken with a pinch of salt.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Dates for the end of the world - when can we expect the apocalypse?
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